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Rainy Day on the Island

It is raining this morning. I used it as an excuse to wear black jeans, a black blouse and my bright orange Beaver fleece vest! I also have on orange fingernail polish. The Beavs play their first game in the baseball world series on Saturday afternoon. Gulp! We play Cal Fullerton. There are eight teams competing - double elimination.

Jess is in Corvallis to attend the graduation of one of her friends. Her roomate from college, Amy (who lives near Seattle), went with her. It thrills me to no end to see Jess so connected to OSU. Irrational, perhaps, but it is something we can share. She's not the sports nut I have become, but she is always thrilled when the Beavs win. Especially if it is against the Ducks or the Huskies!

Noah has been in Billings, Montana for the last few days. He flys back today. Haley is picking him up at the airport. She took him to the airport, too. She also took him to his last dental appointment. She is a gem! I can't wait for volleyball season to start so we can see her in action again. She is a spiker and probably the strongest woman on the team. At 5'10" she isn't as tall as she'd like to be to maximize her strength, but as long as she can jump, she can stuff the ball down the opposition's throat pretty effectively.

Kay is coming to the Island Sunday morning and going with us for a father's day hike. Even a little drizzle won't stop our intrepid group.

Nina has real talent! And it looks as if Alex has a real future as a jazz trumpet player. Thanks for the photos, they started my morning off with joyous feelings.

Love to all,



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