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I can't believe that Amtrack will leave sister Kay stranded in Reno!! You are right Dee, I think somebody may have greased their palms, but who the culprit might be I'm not sure. The Nevada gamblers might like having her around--and then there's that wedding chapel nearby. What great colleagues Kay has!!! I loved the pictures of her party.

Sandra boxing? I just can't imagine. It's like hearing that a gazelle is training for pitbull fighting competition.

Has anyone gone to see Rambo yet? I understand it's blood and guts and terrible dialogue. Of course, that's said about every Rambo movie. I happen to think Rambo 1 was one of the best movies I've ever seen so I'm determined to see and ENJOY this 4th and probably last one featuring my celluloid hero.

The cold temps are finally over and the hounds got to enjoy being tossed out into balmy 13 degrees with dawn still minutes away. A lot better than yesterday. On this past Wednesday, it was 0 degrees. Then that night the news reports said an artic front was coming in (!!!! I thought: what do you call 0 degrees for heaven's sake!!) But yesterday, it sure enough was artic-- minus 5.4 degrees and my little house was barely holding itself warm at 52 degrees inside. BBrrrrr!! That's why +13 sounds and is so wonderful, warm, and cozy. Love to all.

Glad to see the end of the week

Bopcha you sound very optimistic and I think that will help you tremendously with the pain. It sounds like with the passage of time, the back pain will ease up. Glad to hear though that other than the back issue, you are feeling quite okay. Be sure to let us know when you find out more about your back pain.

KC, just wanted to mention that I just come across the photos of the borzoi races in NJ of a few years back. The photos were great and the weather looked beautiful. I almost forgot we had those photos, and I was going through some drawers sorting some things and there were the pictures I had not seen for so long, and then I saw your message about the borzois on the blog. Quite a coincidence. Don't envy the frigid temps they must be feeling. Yikes.

I hope you are enjoying your birthday very much Kay. It was nice to see some photos of you, which we really never see. I hope you will have a chance to share some of your time/experiences in Reno with us on the blog. If nothing else, we would not mind seeing photos posted of your time on your vacation.

A friend of mine who I socialize with at the gym talked to me last week and convinced me to sign up for a "Boxing" class on Wednesday evenings. Yes you understand correctly, "boxing." So I tried it last night for the first time. It was so much fun. The instructor is a competitive boxer. You should see how small she is, yet physically powerful. You can not be fooled by size. We really are just practicing a lot of basics and we shuffle around the room, which is hard to do. It all seems like great exercise and I was so glad to be doing it. My sister now really wants to try boxing. Wow we will be a family of boxers. Perhaps George and Sid will start to become frightened.

with affection,



Today I have a CATSKAN at the clinic. We are trying to isolate the problem (a sharp pain) remaining in my back. When we get the answer to that, I will be 100% pain free.

Boooopcha, w/love

Very Suspicious!!!

So, Kay left this a.m. for Reno.

Amtrack calls Tiffany.

Kay's return trip from Sacramento to Tacoma has been cancelled due to mudslides and related ground instability.

Service should resume in a week.

So, Kay may be stuck in Reno for an extended period of time! Hmmm...... just WHAT triggered that landslide, Kathryn Oda????

Sausage update from Joe

The first 1.5 weeks, drop offs seemed to have stopped (about 4 - 5 strings, which means those will need to be washed)

The weather has been perfect, ranging from 3 - 32 degrees, extended weather outlook is favorable.

Sopressata condition is excellent, along with sausage hanging. The overall color is deep dark red.

Light pin poking has been hap hazard due to tight hanging area, more effort will be given.

The overall drying, is Good to Excellent with an estimated 14 to 20 % water evaporation

No freezing or sign of mice present

Congratulations Kay!!

Nice pictures! Glad to hear your body is returning to normal bopcha. Thank Goodness!! I think I am going to check out a history class on early Europe. I have to see how much work is involved.. Yuck!

Love Sid

Kay's Surprise Party

Kay's office threw her a surprise birthday party! There were about 30 people there, and they gave her $300 in gambling money for her Reno trip.

Scary email I got from Kay

I will be staying at the Sands Regency in Reno - 775-348-2200. Isn't it just too opportune that there is a wedding chapel in the hotel. One never knows . . .

Back to the routine

I guess all my allergies consisted of the many drugs I was taking and my body just protested, and said einough is enough! I am back to the routine of pre-back injury and my allergies have disappeared almost entirely. I can't find the bumps on my head and the bright red spots on my body are gone. I sllept like a log last night.

The sun is shining brightly today, there was a brilliant moon last night, and all is wesll (almost) on the western front.

Love, Bopcha

Cold, Allergies, and Sausages

Urrk Bop. Sounds to me like you have hives. Itchy for sure. Hope the benedryl helps and goes to work fast.

Looking at all the sausage making pictures, I'm beginning to understand why it's such hard work. Nonetheless, it seems that the job got done, with some dashes of humor thrown in. I liked the closing pictures of Sid and Sandra.

Be thankful you all aren't borzoi. I tossed my two champion running hounds out into the paddock this am. The thermometer over their heads read exactly 0 degrees F. They have some straw to lie on, a tarp over their heads to keep the snow off, and a wall built of bales to break the gusts of wind. Brrrrrrrrr. I'll bet they'll be glad to see me this evening.

Unwelcome Visitors

Hello Bopcha,

I am sure your allergies are unwelcome visitors. Do you have any idea what the allergies are? Knowing what the allergies are certainly won't make them go away, but some times it can make it a bit easier to bring yourself some relief. Having a "difficult to sleep" sort of night is never easy and I hope you were able to get at least some temporary solution to the allergy at this point.

Are you taking any medications that you were not taking before your surgery and if so could the meds possibly be causing the allergy? Sometimes new meds can cause unpredicted reactions and once some adjustments are made, the reactions seem to subside. Hopefully, the doctors are being deligent about figuring out what the allergies are and how to solve them.

We have had a real change in temp. in Philly. It is bitter cold now and has been for about two days. We are not accustomed to this at all. It has been unseasonably warm and it feels like winter just arrived even though it's been with us for over a month. I think it is going to continue being colder than it's been up to now. I don't mind the cold so much, just because I know it's winter and we have to go through some period of cold, better to just get it over with.

Diana, we liked that picture you posted. Everyone looks excellent - you look really good in the photo. I hope Bill had a truly enjoyable birthday.

I'll post some more later in the week. I am sitting in the bed right now with the laptop writing away before I go to sleep. Sid is lying down on the bed buried peacefully under the covers and sound asleep. Looks like he is enjoying the rest. It is almost midnight here right now.

Take care everyone.




Today I went to see my primary doctor. I have acquired some allergies, and there are miserable lumps on my head, numerous red spots on my legs, an itchy back, altogether I had a miserable night.

Bill's birthday

Haley took this photo - we had just eaten dinner and Bill was opening his gifts in the trunk of the car before we took off to see a movie.

Looking forward to some good FootBall games

Ahhhhh I am just going to kick back and be a "couch potato" today and watch the football games. It sure is going to be cold for those guys (-1 in Green bay). Thompson, did Toms sandals fit??

Have a great day everyone.


A survivor

That is me. I survived the trauma and am well on the way to recovery. The doctor said there was no limit to what I could do. Quite optimistic on his part, a little less so on my part. I still have sore muscles.

I enjoyed the pictures of the alpaca dolls. Now I will know what to look for.

Love, Bopcha