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Hello again

This is my second attempt. I wrote a long message earlier but managed to close the document without saving it. The message was long enough that if you were looking to avoid doing work or something else, it would have been a good "passing time activity" That was exactly what I was doing when I wrote the message earlier. When I am at work it is always so intense and I never take a break from it. Today, I am just in one of those unproductive moods. So I thought I would take a small break. We have inclement weather today and most University offices are closing - which is adding to my lazy mood.

I liked the wedding photo, it was sweet as it was so candid. Thanks for sending it along Kay. I also really like the photos that KC put up on the blog. They were so nice. You have such a record of having wonderful photos. My sister was just telling me, just the other day, that she really enjoys the photos you took of Nina and Alex during Sid's graduated. We framed them and they look great.

Bopcha, we were so glad to hear that your stress test revealed how healthy you really are. Of course, we all knew that. Even Nina, upon discovering, that you are just a few years younger than my grandmother, exclaimed, "but it doesn't look like there is anything wrong with Bopcha" as she compares you to my grandmother and her other grandmother (George's mother). She even asked why you do not walk with your "back hunched over," like her other grandmothers do. It probably does not sound so funny now, but it was very amusing at the time she said it. Children are so honest - wish adults could be as unafraid to tell the truth.

Diana, I liked your e-mail earlier, it was really funny actually. Diana asked me what I was trying to say when I posted a blog with no message???By the way, how are your eyes doing? You are so much of a non-complainer that it is easy to assume that everything is fine. I am sure you are relieved that the surgery is done and over with. Hope everything is feeling okay.

I will try to write some more this weekend. I really wish my first blog had not been accidently erased. It was much more lively and fun to read than this one. Right now I am just out of fuel, but I did want to say hello to everyone.

Have a great weekend and I'll be checking in soon.

Take care.



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