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Congratulations to Jessica and Gavin. This may get posted twice because I ran into problems. Looking forward to hearing more details. I am very excited.

Sid's eyeball transplant surgery

OK, so I'm being a bit dramatic.

Monday, Sid had cataract surgery on one eye. I called him this a.m. to check on him, but he was either asleep, back at the docs for a check up, or back at work frightening students with his one remaining beadie eye.

My bizarre rash was the result of an immune system reaction to an unknown. The dermatologist pronounced it "interesting," had a photo taken of my arm, and prescribed a powerful ointment. I hate not knowing. I suggested to the doctor that he pronounce me allergic to my brother, but he refused.



Sandra took the shower photo!

Sandra has a fancier Nikon camera than I have, and she's the one who captured the shower attack. Apparently it is a regular routine with Zuki and Sid. He loves the shampoo Sid uses, and likes to lick it off of his head!

News from Tory and Nikole

Most profound apologies family! It appears as though google's blogspot is blocked in China and we won't be able to post entries there! It's hard to tell, since the error messages are in Chinese, so if we get it up and running we'll let you know.

But in the meantime, Nikole and I are having a simply fabulous time! We made it to Beijing only to discover our onward flight to Shanghai was cancelled. The airline put us up in a local hotel that lacked charm but had a great restaurant, and we ate our first authentic Chinese food meal (beef and tofu and vegetables accompanied by a scallion pancake of some kind -- tasted better than I make it sound!) We somehow caught our morning flight and even more amazingly negotiated the subway (one train change) and then the surface streets, luggage in tow, to our hostel and the meeting point of our tour. Then we launched ourselves onto the streets of Shanghai and got promptly lost in the maze of markets and food stalls and traffic and contained chaos. It's exhilarating and the weather is great (if a little muggy).

We saw a man making noodles by stretching them between his arms. I thought he looked just like Murray, but Nikole just laughed :-) Nikole was able to spy quite a number of pet kitties and doggies. They looked happy and healthy, and the dogs bark in Chinese the same way they bark in English, which we thought was pretty cool. We are amazed at all the fruit and vegetables for sale here, a stall or stand on every corner (and many more in the warren of alleys surrounding). The people have been remarkably friendly, helping us with our luggage, with directions, and overall incredibly welcoming. We extend back smiles wherever we go, natch --particularly since whenever we talk, the fluency of the Chinese mystifies us both and leaves Nikole speachless and me trying to answer back in Spanish for some reason :-)

Internet is harder to find than we thought it would be, but we will try to let you know we're safe and sound when we can. Inbetween times, we send our love and are thinking of you all the time!

Vacation is a wonderful thing. Beer at lunch. Just glorious!

Love T

Birthdays and Horses

OH MAN!!!! Darn it!!! I missed Noah's birthday! Happy belated birthday Noah from a forgetful and remorseful Aunt KC and Uncle Tom.

Also, I'm so envious of Dee, Sandra, and Sid getting to ride. Brings horse fever on.

That's one wild kitty Sid and Sandra have -- but Dee!! Cannot imagine Sid letting you get away with a camera in the bathroom when he was in the shower. Yowsie.

Nicole and Tory have probably landed in China by now. Scheesh. That's one l-o-n-g trip for an adventure.

Love, KC


Great pictures of the Philadelphia, Colorado, Mercer Island and Seattle people visiting in Colorado. That's right I just went on this morning to play catchup. Boy I would like to know the story behind the woodpile that Sid is standing near. I must say, I don't think I have ever seen Sid on a horse. Chances are pretty good that you won't see me on one. Not so much of a horse person. We're good as long as I am on one side of the fence and those guys with their big teeth are on the other.

Enjoyed all the pictures.

We have a little fog this morning. I understand that Philadelphia is a little cool and I would imagine the Colorado is probably a tad cool. I think fall might be here. Decided it was time to wheel my air conditioner back out onto the porch. Need every bit of space I can find in my little digs and think the need for cool air might be a done deal for the year.

Headed out to the farm tomorrow so they can pick up the Ranger. Lots and lots of apples so might grab some for applesauce.

Photos from Philadelphia - Sunday visit to the Parsons

Diana, Nina, Sandra and Alex

Alex and Sid


Zuki in the bookcase

Rosanna, Storm and Alex

Nina nailing it on her guitar

Nina and her backup singer, George

Sandra and Nina and Karaoke

Sid and Nina

Rosanna and George

Zuki attacks Sid in the shower

Zuki and Sid - a typical morning


Monday morning and Sandra gets ready for work

Philly Photos

Sid and Sandra's friends' house in Chester County. We went here with their friend Jen.

Diana ropes a calf after receiving lessons from a real roper and farrier, Butch.

Diana and Sandra on Cactus and Diesel.

Diana, happy at being a cowgirl at long last.

Jen, Diana and Sandra - cowgirls all.

Sandra, mildly disgruntled because Sid drives her crazy.

Sid on Cactus - what a cowboy.

Noah's 26th birthday celebration!

We had a very caloric and delishous dinner at the Kingfish Cafe in Seattle.

KC's photo #2

I want that wood, Sid!

Are you kidding me, Sid?

KC's photo #1