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Spring Equinox and the Egg

I finally remembered to try to balance an egg during the exact moment of the spring equinox (6:07 PM MDT). Tom and I had tried and tried to get an egg to balance on its end to no avail. Then as the time approached, I began trying again. I kept trying as the time approached and then--suddenly it was as though the egg had developed a flat spot on its end. It balanced itself and stayed. I could almost feel it try to center itself. Really a peculiar feeling. I called Bopcha immediately, but I think the magic moment had passed. She failed in her attempt and I failed to get a second egg standing as well. My successful egg stayed standing all by itself for several hours. I think I may have brushed against the stand causing the egg to destabilize--otherwise it would be still be standing. So much fun. Bop and I are going to try again during the fall equinox (presuming we remember at the right moment.)


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