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The Farm

Bill and I had a late breakfast with Judi, Kay, Max, Susan and Gil yesterday. We went to the C & J in Philomath, ate lots of their good bacon, and waddled out. Had a lot of fun.

The farm looks great. Bill and I walked thru the woods loop when we first arrived on Saturday and trimmed back growth that might endanger faces if one drove the Ranger thru. I ran/walked the woods loop Sunday morning. Great exercise, but one sure needs to lift one's footsies!

We drove the truck into Philomath. It is running well, but I think we will take it in for a well truck exam later this week. It has a squeak/squeal in the back brakes that is troubling.

Max took the gas tank off the Ranger and removed the plastic nozzle I accidently dropped in there while filling the tank last time I was down. How was I to know you had to secure it before filling the tank! Bless his heart!

Bill and I did a little bit of mowing with the John Deere (Judi had it well under control. I just topped off a few dandylions) and hacked away some blackberry bushes that had grown up near the tractor shed. We cleared the path to the swimming hole, checked the bridge by driving over it in the Ranger, and explored the other side. Max finished mowing it and so now all the fields have been done this year!

Today we are going to do some of our office work, then go into the woods with Bill's power saw and see how well we do with wood chopping.

The farm is absolutely beautiful this time of year. We have had plenty of relaxing time and are enjoying ourselves.

Yes, the geese are fine and Max and Judi replaced the faucets on the pump so I put fresh water in the ungrateful beasts swimming pool and water dishes.

Heather and Alana are in the area. In Portland for now, but hopefully we will see them sometime this week.

Saw "Buck" at the Darkside Theatre. It is really good, especially if you like horses!




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