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Eggs. etc.

Friends, relatives, and countrymen---I have come here to bring you up-to-date on happenings at the farm and at D street in Corvallis. The chickens are really producing these days. We have thirteen chickens and get an average of six eggs a day. Four different colors. But, one hen pulled a fast one. It wasn't April Fools Day either. It was a tiny egg about the size pf a large marble. I thought at first that Ginger had laid the egg, and then I remembered that Ginger was a rooster.

The trees are in full bloom. The cherry tree, the pear tree, and the prune tree are in full bloom. I don't see how the the bees can keep from cross pollination, you know, like a pear tree that has a solid pit in it like the prune tree. Judi and I went across the creek to see if the plum trees are in bloom there. They are just starting. By the way, I refer to prune trees as trees that have a freestone pit, and a plum tree that has the opposite. Some people refer to pruness as dried plums!!!

Sandra, Sid is right to encourage you to reveal the details of the trauma you went through. I see my doctor this next Tuesday to get the final results of the tests I went through. None were painful, but I was sure cold when I reclined on the little table to go through the mri. I was supposed to lie still, but I couldn't help shiv ering.

The lawn is growing, the Forsithia is in bloom, we have Dandelions, yellow tulips, have you noticed how so many blossoms are yellow in the early Spring?

I am going to try to send this off without losing it, so good-by for now. Love, Bopcha


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