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Life in Philly

Hello Family,

I have intended to write a variety of times - really I have :-) It just seems like time escapes so quickly between work and trying to babysit Sid (just kidding). Work is absolutely crazy - there is always so much drama. Who could ever imagine that Penn Vet School could be such an exciting place to work. I wish I could go into more detail about the excitement but I guess since this is a fairly public forum I will refrain and keep myself out of trouble. How boring to have to refrain from such fun gossip. I guess we will have to have a family gathering so I can talk about it. Sid gets to hear all the stories. He is always amazed.

Thanks Diana for keeping us posted on how the farm looks. You are so diligent about sharing photos. That is really nice of you.

And what about the wickles - is that some kind of pickle, that is being eaten with peanut butter. I am trying to figure out if that sounds good. The peanut butter part sounds good. I can go through half a jar of PB which is why I hate having it around.

So anyway, I am doing better than I was in the summer. I had a really rough four months. Sometimes I could not believe how bad I felt and how rough things got. Things seem to improve in October, thank God. So I am now getting in to to the Christmas spirit, even though I can find our Christmas decorations! So I had to go out and buy a few things, so that our home would not be bare.

The cats clawing at everything is definitely a consideration in what decorations we put up. We have a tiny little Christmas tree with little lights and decorations. It is really adorable and small. The cats have done some exploring but they are leaving it alone for now.

Are all of you putting up a Christmas tree and decorations? I actually think I am going to make the biscotti again this year. I just have to figure a day that I dedicate to it, preferably before Christmas. I hope to make a variety of biscotti, I just really have to get organized.

Hope all of you are well. Diana thanks so much for the Christmas card, what a strikingly good looking family. It's a delight to look at it.

I think of you all, and I wish you a happy holiday season, and of course surviving the inevitable stress that can also come with Christmas.

Love you all,



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