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Early AMs

Dee - Sandra is so correct. Those are wonderful pictures of the farm. You must have renewed your camera. Really nice shots. Boo hoo for the goose of course. What a pile of feathers. The predators are going to be heartbroken soon, having munched down on the farm's feathered occupants almost to the end.

Sandra - it's such a delight to read your entries on the blog once again. So much fun, and I realize now how much I've missed hearing from you lately.

It's just short of 7 am here. Tom just called from Gallop NM, saying he'd be on the road home in an hour or so. He's hauling 3 dogs--two of Tornado's E-litter (Encore and Enchanted Isle called Tempest) and Tornado's niece, little Swann. Tom was at a coursing near Phoenix AZ. Tempest won the coursing on Saturday--her owner Melissa is really happy; Encore won on Sunday--and is now an AKC field champion (FC), so Tom and I are doubly happy.

Tom's job ended at the end of November--which enabled him to be free to take the hounds to AZ. Always good and bad in everything it seems.

Off to work I go. Sending love to all.

And Sandra--you haven't lived until you've munched on Wickle's pickles by themselves or as Kay taught me, with peanut butter and toast. MMMMMMmmmmmmm!!!!!


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