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Equine Surgeon in the Family

Hello Everyone,

Although Nina is only 13 years old, she has moved on to being an equine surgeon :-)

So the story goes like this. I am sure you are wondering at this point what in the world I am talking about. Nina has been absolutely intrigued and impressed with one of the best equine surgeons around who happens to be at Penn Vet. He is the Vet who tenderly cared for the famous Barbaro. Since the days of Barbaro, Nina has always been impressed by Dr. Richardson.

Nina is also continuing to be interested in Vet Medicine - and it appears that it is not just a passing phase. So at her ripe age she is doing everything possible to learn about it. She choose to work on a project for school that explores the world of horse racing. So she asked me if she could possibly interview Dean Richardson. Well finally my job and position is serving a purpose (and it isn't resolving employee issues). I contacted Dean Richardson and asked if he could spend some time talking to my niece. He is a tough guy and very no-nonsense. But he has a tender place in his heart and I guess is honored to be part of this little girl's learning experience.

So finally I tried to set up a specific time for them to meet and he replied to me by sayng that instead of "interviewing" for 30 minutes - he let me know that he doesn't even spend that much time talking to residents - she could perhaps come in and observe a real live equine surgery.

Imagine that a 13 year observing a surgery at Penn Vet. What a memorable experience. So her Dad took her, he had to wait outside because they try to limit the number of people in the surgery. So she had to scrub in and wear orange scrubs that they gave her and she got to watch the whole thing. She said she can see the passion that Dean Richardson has for the horses and for his work. She said he is impressive and works very quickly. He was even kind enough to answer all her questions about horse racing and the health issues of race horses. She said he was absolutely awesome. After the surgery, he came out and met her Dad.

Needless to say Nina is overjoyed at such an experience. I am also really happy to have contributed to this amazing experience. I don't think it's every day that a 13 year old gets invited to the operating room to observe an equine surgery.

I guess this is a good Christmas present huh? I just wanted to brag about this. Nina will always remember this experience.

Anyway, I hope all of you are enjoying the holiday season so far. It can be a sort of stressful time but it can be lots of fun too, right?

Take good care everyone. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.

With Love,



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