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Sad Time on the Ranch

I was walking in the pasture, taking pictures of Jazz, his daddy Nitro, Kazan's brother Kiev, and Kazan son, Challenger. Just as I focused on Jazz with the mountains in the background, he suddenly burst into action, racing down the field after a jack. He forced the jack into several turns and then disappeared over the hump of a hill after the jack, the other 'boyz following. He never came back. We believe his faulty heart failed him, causing him to collapse and die at the foot of the pasture. We are heartbroken. Jazz was our first dual-champion (performance and conformation), and was quite the character. He was flame red, bold as brass, and would do anything for food.

Jazz, at the exact moment he saw the jack rabbit. I was snapping as he was trotting nicely with the mountain in the background--suddenly, he was on the move.

Tom has more on the blog at

Sadly, Tom and KC


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