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Jazz Rest in Peace

KC, that is so heart breaking about Jazz. I am so sorry to hear that. Did you ever actually find his body. Wow, that seems like such a devastating way to go. I am sure you provided a rich and full life for the little guy. I am truly sorry about your loss.

And yes speaking of blood and guts, Nina did say there was blood all over the floor when she watched the surgery. It did not freak her out she said. She was really okay with it and says she could handle it.

Nina and Alex spent New Year's Eve with us. We watched the New Years Eve program on TV and you could see little Alex was getting really tired. But he wanted to be a trooper and kept saying that he did not want to go to bed yet and he wanted to "stay up for New Years Eve" while his little eyes struggled to stay open. When midnight came we cheered him on for staying up. He had this really cute little smile on his face like he was so proud of himself.

He is adorable in my unbiased opinion.

Thanks to all of you for the many wonderful gifts, we really appreciate them. Judy, I have to say that your delicious jam is dangerous, I could go into a sugar coma with the way I eat it.. I have been eating it right out of the jar to satisfy my sweeth tooth. I have opened the strawberry jam and have pretty much devoured it. It is heavenly. I shared a little with Sid, but he definitely let me have the lion's share of it. Your fruit jam is the best.

Oh KC by the way, Sid and I are not the only ones who love the "throws' you sent. Our little cat Zuki has taken quite a liking to them. He spends lots of time on them just reclining and curling up as he enjoys their softeness.

That's it for now. Sid and I are back at work today after a nice break. Yukkie! So hard to be back to responsibility :-)

I wish you all a wonderful New Year - full of wonderful surprises.

With much love,



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