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Brotherly and Sisterly Affection

Hello Everyone

Isn't it lovely to see how affectionately Sid and Diana communicate about each other? It provides entertainment for all of us. Thank you Sid and Diana :-) :-) :-)

Well we got through an another Easter with my chaotic family. Sid must really be entertained by my family, especially when my mother and grandmother are yelling at each other in Italian. I asked my sister yesterday - in the midst of all the activity of Easter - why haven't they made a movie about our family yet? It would be just as funny as the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." I think my sister and I need to start working on that.

The Italian tradition is to cook Lamb on Easter, which we do every year. My sister tried to hide the fact that she was cooking lamb for as long as she could from Nina - because the little girl loves lambs. But then of course the word "lamb" kept slipping out and she just couldn't stand keeping the truth from her daughter. Nina took it just fine. We were all relieved that she didn't go through hours of sobbing like she did with Barbaro's death. I guess she was still so excited about the Easter Bunny's visit to her house. The Easter bunny delivered an Easter basket that she absolutely loved. Yes indeed, my eight year old neice still believes in the Easter bunny. Of course little Alex does as well but he is only five years old. I think it is adorable that Nina still has a place in her heart for the Easter bunny, although I realize it is a bit of a stretch. Actually, I think there is a part of her that really knows this is myth. However, she still surrounds herself with happy thoughts and magic so I think she just doesn't want to let go. She will loose her innocence soon enough. No one wants to rain on her parade, so we let her believe in bunnies! It is nice because she also still chooses to wear very "little girl clothes."

I was impressed by what she choose to put on to go to church. She looked like a child rather than a young girl who is trying to grow up too fast. I know I sound "old-fashioned" and ridiculous, but what is the rush to be like an adult?

I don't think there is much danger of Alex growing up too fast. He is still such a mama's boy and I don't think he will be leaving that world anytime soon. Of course in my unbiased opinion, he is irresistably cute. He is starting to say very funny things. He is currently in preschool and the best comment was his critique of the teacher. He claimed that she is not very smart because "everyday she asks the little kids the same questions: what day is it and what is the weather."

I guess Alex is also getting a little tired of answering these questions. Alex just loves Sid too. Yesterday he insisted on sitting next to Sid at Easter dinner. Of course than lucky Sid got to have this crazy child climbing all over him - without a moment's peace. Fortunately, both Nina and Alex can only stand to be at the table for about three minutes, so the torture did not last too long.

Well I guess I've gone on long enough about Nina and Alex. I just spent two days with them so that is all that has been happening in my world. I am still walking around with cotton in my ear, and feeling absolutely ridiculous. I am tired of cotton! Tomorrow is my post surgery follow up - finally! I have had to limit my physical activity for the past few weeks. I am still experiencing some lightheadness, dizziness etc.... but overall I am doing fine.

Bopcha, I hope all went well with your tests. Sid tells me that you are doing some light weight exercises. That is so awesome. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Well I will close now. I hope all of you are doing great, and I am sure you are all looking forward to nicer weather. It is still really cold here. I am looking forward to being outdoors in Oregon in May. We are all ready to plant.

Take care for now.



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