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My aggravations are not directed to Dee..I'm just envious that her knees, hips, and lower back permit running. I still love the idea, but can't even manage a few steps. Amusing though Dee--it does appear that you are walking. Darn photographers anyway!!!

My aggravation is that I wrote a really nice note on the blog when I was in Texas--and the internet connection went down so there was nothing I could do. Grrrrr. It's amazing how much steam it takes out of one's sails when that happens. I know Sandra has complained on occasion when the "save" function doesn't work. I've learned to copy what I've written first, so I can always redo the entry easily. Unfortunately, the copy has no place to go when the internet connection is lost.

I'm so glad Tory's doc is so attentive that he caught that unhappy mole changing its character. I remember that day when she got burned to a crisp in the Spanish sun. What misery--and perhaps, long term implications for her skin.

Kay - try Head and Shoulders shampoo for Ramon (or is it Luis?). Regardless, it works on dog's dandruff, just as well as people's. Couple times a week at first should do it.

I am SO looking forward to hanging with sisters, nieces, nephews, and whomever else. Tory will be in Iceland; Murray and Nikole working: boo hoo.


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