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Picture of Waldo Canyon Fire from the Ranch

Picture from our front yard. You can see the shoulder of Pikes Peak on the left side of the picture.
Here's the picture I was taking when Dee called just now. Hopefully I was able to right-size the image for your viewing pleasure. The website fights me pretty hard and often wins. In fact it won this time too. One can't see the flames from here (at least not yet) but plenty of smoke as you can see. If you consider the fact we are about 30-40 miles from the fire, then you can see it's quite a big fire all in all. Our humidity right now is 3% and temps (here at the ranch) was at or near 100F. The wind is picking up--combined with the terrain, it's a tough battle for the fire fighters. I'm just grateful we have a SE wind and its not NW. NW would drive the smoke directly to the place here. Reports say the fire now 5% contained...a good start I guess. (Sorry--at least on my computer, the text is not wrapping. As I say, the website usually wins the battle. Hopefully the picture explains if the words don't!!)


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