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Funny email from Kay

So, I went out to the farm today the dogs and we were walking down the path to the bridge when I looked down and saw this really, really large snake across the path. I picked up the dogs and looked really hard to see if I could see any rattles on his tail. The snake was stretched out did not move so I nudged him with my toe and boy did her turn around and hiss at me and curl up in a circle with his head resting on his body in striking position. I know he wasn't poisonous but I am sure his bite would have hurt and boy was he ready to strike. So, I figured it was his field and the dogs and and I ran in a wide circle around him and to the creek. Coming back I picked up a big stick but didn't see him. Judi said it was probably a gopher snake. Don't know, don't care -- anything that large that hisses can have the whole universe as far as I am concerned. He belongs to you guys so at least teach him better manners.

I had a neighbor in a fifth wheel that moved in across the street and was driving me crazy. I think I told you that she lies about everything and believe it or not, I called her out on most of it. She made the neighbor who lived right beside her life a living hell. Well yesterday they hooked up the fifth wheel and were gone. I guess they repeated called Ivan the park manager all the time whining about everybody and everything and the final straw was the other morning when they called him at 7:30 a.m. bitching. Then she called him not a good manager, etc. He gave them 30 days to get out. So yesterday they left and according to Ivan did not turn in their keys or pay the rent they owed. I hope he tracks them down and presses charges but he is probably so glad to have them out of the park he doesn't care. He apologized to me for having to put up with them and I thanked him for kicking them out. A win win. We agreed that she did have mental issues -- duh. I liked the husband.

Other than that, all is well in the park -- except that somebody sprayed my little apple tree in my backyard and killed part of it. I think they were probably after dandelion control and the wind carried the spray to my tree. Judi has a ton of cherries in her backyard and I came home with some jam and canned eating cherries. Steve gave her a box of apricots so I think she is going to do something with them. For some reason this year the birds are leaving the cherries alone. She thinks perhaps the construction across the tracks has scared them off. I had coffee and one of her cherry turnovers today. Yep it is really hard to lose weight around Judith.


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