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Kay and Diana in Canyonville

Kay and I arrived in Canyonville Friday afternoon. I shot a few photos of the town and where we used to live. Forest Glen Hospital, where Sid was born, is now a nursing home, however, we heard later that Dr. Aaronson, who delivered that rascally brother is still alive!

This blog entry is all about Canyonville. In my next one(s) I will cover Days Creek, Tiller and South Umpqua Falls.

Looking north up the main drag in Canyonville.

Looking south up the main drag. As you can tell, it is rush hour.

Kay, standing in the parking lot of our hotel with her back to the main drag.

A peace sign to the left and a die free sign to the right. Canyonville tolerates diversity in a big way.

The lower corner of Hoot Hill. The climbing tree used to be near the far right side of the photo. Our trailer was up the road you see on the left side.

This is a completely inept photo of the hill from Hoot Hill (where we used to live) to the hospital/school etc. It is actually quite steep,

Hoot Hill, looking toward where the climbing tree used to be. There are two houses on those 13 acres now.


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