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Kay and Diana in Tiller

After touring Canyonville, Kay and I headed up to Tiller and the Ranger Station. Things have changed, but not so much that we couldn't remember how fabulous it was to spend much of our childhood there.

A Forest Service botanist lives in our old house. We had zero chance of slipping by the house unnoticed because he was in the front yard. We spoke to him quite awhile. There is only a skeleton crew there these days, and they are encouraged to hire the temps from an outside work force rather than from the locals. Interesting. Our friend didn't seem fond of the policy, since the Forest Service remains one of the biggest employers around. The botanist knew nothing of our swimming hole, and said he missed dancing and being able to get radio reception.

Tiller Grade School.

Many a recess was enjoyed on and around these premises.

Kay is remembering a stealthy swim she took with KC as they tried to sneak candy home.

The bridge from the Ranger Station side.

The South Umpqua from the bridge. No swimming hole in sight.

The sign and me.

They've changed the location, but our old sign lives on.

If you look closely, you will see a deer by our old house. It is near the garage.

No Smokey costume was available.


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