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What a Busy Family

Wow, so much excitement. Everyone has so much going on, and it is all wonderful positive and exciting. I mean weddings, engagements, career moves, on and on.

The pictures of the engagement party are wonderful. Everyone looks great. There was mention of Noah looking like Diana. I can't help but notice Jessica's resemblance to Diana; mother and daughter similarities all over their beautiful faces.

And the new "bride to be" looks radiant. I think it is true that love does create a glow - that certainly seems to be the case with Tory. Her joy is showing through.

I bet Noah is enjoying Portland - it would be interesting to hear how he views the city in comparison to Seattle. What do you think everyone, will Noah become an Oregonian and settle in Portland?? It is all possible I guess. No matter how long he ends up staying, it sounds like a great growth opportunity with Nike.

Meanwhile, I don't know if I mentioned this but my friends Nancy and Rob moved to Greece, on the island of San Torini. I know that Judy and Diana met them. They came over to visit Bopcha. Nancy, being a certified massage therapist, gave Bopcha a massage which I know she really enjoyed and cherished. Rob and Nancy are close friends from Philadelphia. However, Philly is the last place on earth where they will ever spend more than a week. They settled in Oregon for many years and assumed they had finally found a place they could call "home." But I guess a certain restlessness or the never-ending search for "something"lead them to glide away and settle - at least temporarily - toward the Mediterranean. We still e-mail each other regularly and I get to hear about their lives in Greece. Nancy actually said that some of the coast line in Greece is beautiful but yet not as exquisite as Oregon. She still finds Oregon prettier in many ways. That was lovely to hear.

So Diana, you sound like you are going to be very busy over the next week at the Farm. It doesn't sound like it will be much of a rest. Hope you find some time to relax and slow down the pace a bit. I am sure you have been on accelerated speed with your daughter's wedding coming up. Try to rest up, even with everything going on.

I personally am not very good at slowing down and getting the needed rest etc.... So for the past four days, I have been home bound with the flu. We'll my immune system showed me that it is not going to allow me to just go and go. I am feeling much better than I was several days ago, in which all I could do is sleep. Sid got me quite the supply and variety of cough drops. It is so funny. He must think I am going to have this cough forever.

Hope everyone is well.

Sending everyone love,



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