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From Kay

The other day I was having coffee with Terry and we looked out her deck and saw a poor little orphan looking dog walking down the street. I went out to see if I could catch but wasn't able. I knocked on one of the trailers and asked them if they knew who owned the dog and he said it belonged to the single wide next to him but wasn't sure the owner was home because an ambulance had been there a couple of days earlier. I went over to the trailer and the door was open with a pill bottle on the ground and it looked like stuff on the floor. I knocked on the door but got no response. In the meantime, as I was walking away the dog walked up the steps and stood on the porch. I called Ivan and he went down to check. Don't know if the trailer was ransacked and or the women had a hearing problem or was dead. Haven't talked to Ivan to find out but haven't seen the dog lately. I wasn't about to enter the trailer and find a dead body. Who says life in the hood is boring.


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