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Farm Photos for April 2013

Midway to the farm, I realized I had forgotten to bring a camera! Yeow!

I stopped at the discount mall later to take a rest room break, and as I stepped out of the rest room, right before my beadie eyes was a camera shop with the word SALE! written in bold letters! I ventured in and ultimately bought a waterproof baby Nikon for a hundred bucks. Anyway, here are the photos I took yesterday afternoon after the battery charged. Not bad! I think I'll just leave the camera here - that way I will never have to remember my camera again. Plus, this one is waterproof and so can be used in the rain with more confidence.

Oh, incidentally. I was figuring on mowing a lot while here, but as I came over the hill, I saw that the lawn and surrounding areas (orchard et al.) were mowed! As it turns out, Sister Judith had been hard at work .... bless her!

After having an early dinner with Susan at the Woodsman (I highly recommend the Blue Hawaiian), the sun was setting and the field was so beautiful.

You can see Sister Judi's hard work. What you can't see are the blossoms on the tree. They were there, but this lousey photographer did not manage to capture them.

Our industrious neighbor is building something large. For equipment maybe?


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