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Another day at the farm

Isn't that just like sister Kay?

Taking credit for photos I took!

This calls for a dunk in the swimming hole.

I am up drinking coffee, plotting out the day.

I'm pretty sure the loggers will come back today, so I won't be able to explore that part of the woods.

Aside from the nice road, it is really good to see how the sun filters through the thinned areas. New little seedlings will thrive now.

There are a couple a large bare areas, dusty with red dirt. I guess nature will reclaim them quickly unless we decide to put up a yurt for Big Foot.

Kay and I drove the Ranger on the trail that goes left from the loop trail, down to the creek. There is an opening there that was infested with false brome and scotch broom. From the looks of it, the spraying was pretty successful. Lots of wilted false brome and dead scotch broom.

Kay and I saw a big doe in the woods yesterday. This morning, there were seven turkeys on the hill as you enter the farm.

On Tuesday, Karen Fleck-Harding, Mark Miller and a woman named Elizabeth (and me) will walk the creek, looking for places to plant the Red Cedar that will assist in keeping the cutthroat cool in the summer. Should be interesting. I'll take photos.

Over and out.



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