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Bridge salvage

View of the City's new bridge construction from Henkle Way.

This is the bridge that is being replaced. A 30 foot span will be salvaged and stored on our property to be used somewhere in the watershed. It is apparently a big deal to be able to salvage such a prime piece of municipal left overs!

Steve Trask and Karen Fleck-Harding by the crane that will lift the bridge span.

Forest Service guy catching little fishies so when the creek flow is diverted into a pipe during construction, they won't be hurt.

A baby cutthroat - less than a year old. They call them zero age cutthroat.

More fish capturing.

The huge pipe diverts the water out of the stream bed so that the new bridge can be built.

The huge pipe goes under the bridge.

And comes out the other side.

Steve watching to make sure his little fish aren't hurt.

Another view of the bridge and the crane. It actually may be a USFS project or perhaps one done by both the City and the USFS.

This is where the span will go. It is the little area of the field across the creek, near our neighbor's little pagota. Karen looked carefully to make sure no protected plants were there.


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