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Sid's Birthday

Happy Birthday, dear brother!

Sorry for not posting pictures during the last few days, but we have been busy cleaning, doing a Goodwill and a dump run etc.

Had the tires on the pickup checked again. The really nice guys at Beggs said they would not recommend new tires since we use the truck mostly for dump runs. Too many nails at the dump. Eeeek! I found the tire receipt. Mother bought new tires in November 2001 and they only have about 15,000 miles on them. So far they haven't deteriorated too much to drive on. Anyway, the truck runs just fine.

We cleaned out the middle closet of the middle room. We found a lifetime supply of toilet paper and paper towels! Old bedding, random rags and three broken file cabinets. One of the cabinets had some old records in it - mostly medical bills etc., but I will go through them carefully. The folders are in Mother's handwriting, but the bills are all for Unk, I think. We bought a couple of plastic bins to store them in for now.

Cousin Roy, Phyllis, Cousin Loretta and little Violet came out to the farm on Sunday. They were on their way back from seeing Aunt Martha. Here's a photo of the Cousins:

Loretta is 80. She walked with me down to the creek and although she is only 5'4" tall, she is the fastest walker ever! No kidding. The woman has remained a remarkable level of fitness.

Well, we are now going to do some baking for tomorrows big feast! Then off to see Aunt Martha.

My work computer is frozen this a.m., so if you send me an email, don't expect a reply.




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