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Big day today

My walk with Steve, the fish biologist and two other couples (one couple used to work for the forest service and the other couple was their neighbor - an engineer and a graphic artist) began at the reservoir from whence Corvallis gets much of its water.

After the reservoir, we parked on the watershed road and geared up for our walk in the south fork of Rock Creek. As you can see, Steve had on waders. I at least had water shoes as did the rest of the party.

You can see a fence like barrier on the creek. The City put it there to keep debris from drifting down. Frankly, I can't remember Steve's thoughts on it.

It was really hard work walking up the creek.

So beautiful.

After my exhausting walk, I took the Ranger and then walked to the site where the big logs are being dragged, one by one, to a staging area.

The logs are gently lifted over the water pipe while two City workers, Steve and I watched. It went perfectly. Such delicate work with such big equipment and such huge logs.

This is when the big machine would slide the log safely across the water line and onto a pile.

You can see the log he's pulling behind the big machine.

Each pile represents a particular placement.


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