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Boo Hoo

My delightfull visitors have gone. I took Sid and Sandra to the airport this AM. On the way back from the airport I saw Aunt Martha walking down the street pushing her walker, on the way to the post office. I parked and followed behind her for two blocks. That Aunt Martha can really move! I thought, since it was 11:00 am she would be late for her dinner so I gave her a ride home, the walker folded up in the back of my car. She was so pleased that Sid h

ad visited with her yesterday

The sun is shining but the house is cold since I have not turned the heat on since I turned it off the one nice warm day we had.

Sid and I drove the LOOP this

am. and sure enough, there was Sandra passing us on her run up the LOOP!! Diana, here's hoping you can join her this summer, well I'll still love you if you can't make it.

By now, you have probably read KC's e-mail. It was good to hear from her, but I don't know how to reply.

The pictures of Crystal''s wedding were beautiful. I couldn't identify the men in the group.

Love, Bopcha


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