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Back in Noisy Philadelphia

Hello everyone,

The most remarkable difference here in Philly is how noisy it is. Loud music blasting from the car windows is a daily part of life here, and it becomes exceedingly more apparent when you take a break from it and return to it.

Anyway, we both retuned to work today - it was so much fun :-) Well not really. Getting up today was a real challenge. We are still on West Coast time and we did not get much sleep because of our late arrival.

Thanks to all of you for a really nice weekend. Diana and Bill, you are always so kind and we loved going to dinner with you. Thanks for treating us. The Sunday dinner was also very delicious. Judy, your talents are appreciated by all of us.

Our traveling was made so much easier by the fact that we went through Eugene. Of course Bopcha, you made it such a breeze since you so kindly offered to pick us up and take us there. Many thanks for your willingness to do so.

Diana asked about the length of the loop. I think that if you can walk four miles, you can definitely do the loop. It actually is not very long at all, perhaps not even 1/2 mile. The first part of it is uphill and not rather rough with sticks and rocks. Not tripping over things and going uphill are the most difficult parts of it. Once you reach the last half of it, which is the downhill part, it feels surprisingly short.

Diana, that is great that you walked four miles and I agree it is awesome having home and work so close together. Sid and I have been able to walk to work for so long now and I just can not imagine having to drive or take a train to work. I think the entire quality of your like is improved by being able to walk to work. I feel very lucky that I can do so.

I think you are right, the location of Noah's future abode has nothing to do with his girlfriend. :-)

The Utah airport is nice and we walked around for awhile. There are some nice shops in there. Sid and I, being the amazingly sensible people that we are, did not buy anything in the shops, we only bought a bunch of magazines, which are so much fun to read on the airplane.

Well I will close for now and write more tomorrow. Hope all is well with everyone. Many thanks for your kindness and your patience with our visit.

Bye for now




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