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Congratulations to the Red Hawks

Great News for the Red Hawks!!

It is sunny and warm in Philadelphia and we are going to plant our garden today - That is if Sandra gets back from her workout in time.

I'm trying to get enough energy to do some work on the Porsche but I am feeling exceedingly lazy. Ahhhhhh so I will probably just stay inside and read psychology until Sandra gets back from her workout .

Great news Diana, It seems that the Brain is still able function relatively well even if the corpus callosum has been severed.

Here are some interesting tidbits for you all:

Werner Picht (1914) Toynbee Hall and the English Settlement Movement

‘Clubs are the ground on which human contact with the working-class is most completely achieved with the limits of Settlement work’, wrote Werner Picht (1914)

"Classes and systematic Lectures make demands on the time and perseverance of those attending them to which not every one can respond. Their aim is to teach people to think and to lay a solid foundation of knowledge. As to their scope they are limited to a fixed number of defined subjects. By this their powers of attraction are marked out: they never reach the large mass of people, and they at most teach indirectly how to consider the questions of the day more conscientiously". (Picht 1914)

Smoking Debates were still a strong feature of the work when Picht visited in 1912, although he was less sure of their educational value: ‘Public speaking is, above all, for the untrained mind which has no self-control, a temptation to the opposite of what is aimed at i.e. superficiality’

Interesting huh.

Bopcha, what are you up to today? Hope all is well on the home front.

Love Sid


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