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Saturday at the Farmer's Market

I walked through the Farmer's Market but left my purse in the car so I wouldn't be tempted to buy something I did not need. But sure enough I saw some Stupice tomato plants so I had to walk back to the car, get my purse and walk back to the plant stand, buy the plants, three for $5, and walk back to the car again. I had a nice walk anyway, saw a lot of interesting people, and llittle bitty dogs and great big dogs. On the way back, someone called "Hello, Virginia". It was Uncle Matt's boss, Chuck Woosley. We chatted awhile and then I finished my walk to the car. I think I walked a mile at least. Now, I wonder, is it too early to plant the tomato plants? I appreciated the remarks of Mr. Picht, very profound! Love, Bopcha


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