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Meredith Applies to Penn

Kay's son's (Joey - the nurse) daughter, Meredith, is applying to get her master's degree in nursing from Penn! She is graduating this year from John's Hopkins with honors (I can't remember the actual name of the program, but it is medicine related). She got her Batchelors in Florida. What a bright and ambitious young woman!

This week is really busy. For instance, today I have to take a final auction item to Seattle U (a beautiful bowl and spoon made by a local Mercer Island artist), get a manicure and pedicure (Mother's Day gift from JB and Noah), and then do two hours of weeding at the church. Oh, and work on a brief here at work, too.

Tomorrow I have a CLE (continuing legal education) class all day, and then the Seattle U auction that evening.

I am so popular!




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