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I am NOT the one who dropped the ball!

Sid. I am not ignoring Sandra's inquiry! Oh ye of little faith! At the time of the first request, I simply figured that two of my sisters who had actually LIVED in California might respond. After the second request, I went on line to see if anything rang a bell with me and then, after figuring out that the only thing I could recommend would be 101, which I'm sure Sandra's friend could easily figure out, and not wanting to insult her intelligence, I emailed Kay and told her to go on the blog so that she could make a recommendation.

The trip Bill and I took to Humboldt State is farther north than Sacramento and Davis, so our two routes would not be helpful. The first cuts over from Grants Pass to Crescent City and then down to Eureka (through the Redwoods) and the second cut over to Redding from Eureka. Both were beautiful drives (going there was better than coming back, however). Neither are in the area Sandra's friend is going to travel.

I think hugging the coast is the best. The inside is pretty much dessert or huge agricultural flatlands as far as I know. The coastal route will be slow as the dickens, but at least it is beautiful.

So, Banana head, there is my much anticipated response.

Your loving sister,



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