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Hello Everyone

I was sitting in my office feeling that heaviness that the common American worker is apt to feel on Monday mornings. And then long and behold an employee called me to ask me about the mechanics of taking a family medical leave. She told me that this morning her husband was diagnozed with cancer. He had just completed a six week stay in the Hospital for something else. This of course is just one event in the midst of her very chaotic life. When I hung up the phone I thought how ridiculous it would be for me to complain right now about work. Her call put everything back into perspective and I decided to try and enjoy the day as much as I possibly can.

I don't believe that we should continually dismiss our own feelings based on others' tragedies, but the way the events unfolded this morning, I gained a much needed perspective - at least for today :-)

Thanks so much Diana for your tip on Route 101. I appreciate your time. I also want everyone to know that I was not the one to encourage Sid to be the pestering little brother demanding that all his sisters respond to the questions about road trips in CA. Little brothers are great for pestering sisters don't you think. Just ask Nina, she can tell you all about it.

Have a great day, and I will check in soon.




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