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Why am I being punished?

Oh my gosh! I just wrote a long entry and it disappeared!!!!!! It was an additional perspective story to add to Sandra's. Grrrrrr...... It was all about trying to negotiate the automated telephone maze at social security. My 2005 earnings on the yearly report stated "0." So, I called and had a 15 minute dialogue with SS's automated telephone system. Finally, I shouted "I need to talk to an agent!" - not one of the choices I had been given, but it worked! Anyway, the agent was nice and we got it resolved. I'm glad I don't have to do that type of thing often.

My other comment was to tell my loved ones not to think I am angry when I react to Sid. I treasure the moments when I get to express myself so freely without exhibiting an ounce of restraint! Way too much fun!

JB is off today, so my time at work will be short. Hooray for a daughter with strange working hours who doesn't mind killing time with her mother.




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