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Happy Faces, I love them

The happy faces on my letter showed up a day or two later! I see an abundance of them now. WOW. It is so nice to be in the groove!!!

Tomorrow I go to REPAC in Tangent. I pick up Cheryl at 9:30 a.m. We get to our building about l0 a.m., sign in, put on a plastic apron, and a hair net, and sit for about 2 hours opening plastic bags so that the people filling them with food, won't have to spend the time wrestling with them. It is really quite a process. Then at noon, the table is set up with a potluck and everyone eats. There are at least 40 people there. I don't take any food, because Cheryl like to do it. THEN, the fun begins! Target, the big chain retail store, has head quarters in Tangent. Any products that come in, like mirrors, computers, tv's. chairs, etc. and the package is broken, but not the merchandise, it is given to the workers. Our names are are drawn one by one and we can take a choice of what is available. So that's for tomorrow. Love, Bopcha


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