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The Alps

While Jessica was off yesterday, we went to see "The Alps," a 45 minute documentary shown in what they call an IMAX theatre. Basically, a HUGE screen (7 stories high and 80 ft. wide).

The story was generally about a man whose father died climbing the Eiger in Switzerland. His father's rope broke and he plummeted down the face of the mountain. The son, who was 8 years old when his father died, now (at age 48) felt he needed to climb the same route his dad died on. So he and a Swiss man and wife did it. How they filmed it is beyond me. Jessica and I were clutching the arms of our seats most of the climb. Incredibly beautiful, and really, really, scary!

No news on the amount of money we made at the auction yet. We made $16,000 last year. I'm confident we did much better this year!




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