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Congrats to Jessica

That is awesome news about Jessica. I am sure it is well deserved and Jessica is obviously thrilled about it. It is very encouraging I am sure. I think promotions like this are great for practical reasons (more money, benefits) but even more importantly rewards for hard work do a lot of good for morale and building confidence.

Today someone told me that in her particular school the Dean made a major faux pas at graduation. This Dean asked the graduates of this one particular discipline to stand up and instead of saying congratulations to the graduates of the Univ of Penn, she said congrats to the graduates of the University of Alabama. That must have been sort of funny. This of course is also the same Dean who could not remember the word "syringe" in a lecture and ended up calling it the "squirter."

I find it amusing but at the same time I can completely see myself doing these things. I have had many moments of complete humiliation in my life, from doing well..... we can jsut call it less than perfect things. I guess this is why I hate talking to a crowd because I am always afraid I will make a complete fool of myself.

Diana, you mentioned that you were frustrated with the Social Security office. I just can 't imagine what that must be like. I am joking - public offices here in Philly are a disaster. I think WA or Seattle is proabably better, even on your worst day. You should see how ineffective and rude people can be here.

Anyway, I had an amazingly crazy day - so much drama on my job today. It certainly is never boring. I have so many stories I could tell. I guess that is what happens when you get to see the underbelly of an elite organization like Penn. People are people wherever you go.

Yies Sid is taking two very "light" classes. Can you imagine how much I will be talking Pyschology and Philosphy this semester. Hmmmm, why do I get the feeling I might as well take the courses with him. :-) :-)

Oh Bopcha, I am really enjoying your smiley faces - keep smiling. Isn't it fun. I hope you had a nice time today - it sounds like you have certainly been keeping busy.

Anyway, that is it for now. I will write later.




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