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Going on a hike tomorrow

Bill and I are going to hike up the Wallace Falls trail tomorrow. It is a 6 mile round trip and a 1200 foot altitude gain. Should be a good workout. Kay is ditching us. She claims she's cleaning out her garage with Tiffany's help. I emailed M and T but didn't hear anything back. I assume they will be working. Noah is through with classes and has finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. He moves back home on Wednesday. He and a teammate are still planning a road trip, but they have not decided when. They begin July basketball on the 5th, I think it is, so they better get their thinking caps on.




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Bopcha on :

Hiking is so much fun. Judi and I hiked the slope back of the woodshed and dug out and pulled out Canadian Thistle. I think it will take several more days to get rid of it all. I think Canadian Thistle is a biannual. If we cut off all the blossoms this year, then there will be just one more year to go to get rid of them all. Heather and Jessica were visitors at the farm. What delightful young women. I don't think there is any rain planned for the next week, so maybe Hufsmith can get the fields mowed, and the ground will be dry enough for the bridge!!! Yippee.

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