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Thanks Joe

We had another lightning storm last night and woke up this morning without power!!! So to kill some time Sandra and I roamed the neighborhood to see if any crack houses had surreptitious popped up. Instead we found that good old West Philly is actually looking pretty good - Though it may have been the coffee we had at the shop at 49th and Locust. :-)

Joe, I hope you will afford me the same amount of time to get to your chiropractors book as you took with the introduction of Nietzsche's "The AC." Sheesh!! Give him time my boy, The information is tough when your ears are just sprouting. At any rate he provides a subtle kick in the head - That one should not take the alleged gospel ( No pun intended) without question. (Not that you ever did) So in that vein I will read your book. Bopcha I suspect you would enjoy it also. He really was Joe's Chiropractor!! and I can vouch that Joe has always been quite enamored with him.

Say Joe why don't you bring down a copy of the book and we can a aggravate Diana and Bill who will be in for a short visit June 20 - 25. They will be using the condo as a base for other travels so I'm afraid we will only have them for a few day's. But, I am sure they would love to squeeze in a beer and some heavy philosophical debate. :-) Maybe we can even get Mike in the mix.

On a more serious note, Joe, if you can swing by and say hi that would be great it not then when ever you can. Sandra and I are looking forward to our visitors form the west and I know Nina Alex George and Rossana will be equally delighted.



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