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Hello Bopcha

I liked your poem very much. I think it definitely describes a moment that we have all felt at some point in our lives. Thanks for sharing it with us. Do you have other poems you would like to share?

Yesterday, I had to have a lunch meeting with some folks who test birds (chickens) for the poultry industry. The subject matter for the meeting was serious.

I got a girlled chicken sandwhich and could not eat the whole thing because I thought the meat seemed undercooked. Well don't know if was the subject mattter or the food, but I was really sick after the meeting. Then I had another two hour meeting after that and I just stuck it out but I don't know how I did because I felt so sick. It got to a point that I just could not hide it anymore and I told the folks I needed to leave.

I went to bed at about 5:30pm and could not move until this morning. I am fairly certain I had food poisoning. Yukky!

But how ironic the whole thing was.

Anyway that was my weekend so far. I hope everyone else is having a more enjoyable weekend.

Take care and have a nice Sunday.



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