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Undercooked Chicken and Work - Recipe for Disaster

Hello Everyone,

Diana, not only should you not eat any undercooked chicken sandwhiches, I should make sure I don't talk about any of my crazy cases at work because just hearing about them will make you feel stressed, even if you are not dealing with them yourself.

I sympathize Diana with that feeling of being overwhelmed and worrying that you won't be able to get it all done. But think about how many times you have handled multiple things at once, and it always gets done.

Isn't it interesting how the mere thought of physical symptoms can evolve into actually feeling them. Our minds are powerful, not to be underestimated. Maybe if you could just designate very specific hours of the day when you are going to absolutely do nothing but think about the work/project at hand, and let nothing else enter into your mind. Not easy to do when you are a worrier (which I will be the first to admit, I am a worrier - I mean I am an East Coaster and I have an Italian family, how could I escape worry!). But on occassion, this method has worked. If I am juggling too many things at once, I just designate a specific time frame "where nothing else matters." I sort of got through college and grad school that way, I managed to study through even the worst case of the blues. I don't know if I could even manage that level of self control at this point in my life. In any case, good luck with getting through the work load. Try to remain calm, and when you do need a distraction you can always log onto the blog and be entertained, especially with my infinitely long messages.

I too am going through a particularly stressful period at work. I feel like I am getting beat up a lot and blamed for things not going right. Can you imagine why I work out so much :-) It's one way to regain sanity.

Take care everyone and hope you are having a better time right now that Diana and I.




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