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My Lizards

Hello Bopcha,

I have some news and a few questions. My news is I have two beautiful lizards. They are very friendly but shy but they will calm down after some time. Their names are Cuckoo and Coco. Guess which is which? The name of my lizard is Coco. Cuckoo belongs to Alex.

I am starting to be able to pick them up. I got them on May on a Friday. I was so excited to see them because I had to wait three weeks. They live in my room in a pretty glass tank. If I were them I would love my home in Nina's room. They are blue tail skinks and their tails are blue and they black with a white stripe down their back.

How are the chickens doing are they having eggs. I hope they do well and that you are happy with the chickens. I can't wait to see you and visit the farm.

Love Nina.


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