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Cherries, Berries, and Wind

The cherry tree in our yard has a few cherries on it, and they are so good. Also, the strawberry patch has a lot of nice strawberries, nice ripe ones, and the wind outside is rattling all the windows. I get a lot of fresh air even though the windows are closed. Also, we had a big family of mice, and Judi is skilled with setting traps, so we eliminated them. And to add to the fun, we have had little, bitty ants, invading the drain board. We cannot find where they enter the house, but they sure do. One batch we got rid of, but another batch has entered again. The birds like cherries, too, so tonight we tried to pick all the ripe ones, i.e. all the riipe cherries.

Diana, I think, is very, very happy with the Beavers doing so well in baseball. What fun, to be able to visit with Sandra and Sid, have a great meal, a comforable bed, and besides watch the game. Thank you Sandra and Sid for the comments, and keeping me informed. It really helps to pass the time when I receive your comments on the blog.

KC called and said it was very hot in Germany, but not as hot as it is in Colorado Springs. It is 70° here right now, Tomorrow is Gleaners here in the park. Love, Bopcha


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