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Why did I wake up at 4 a.m.?

East coast time really messes you up when morning comes! I'm sitting here at my computer after spending about an hour trying to find the photos I uploaded yesterday. I put the photos in a Kodak album, which I emailed to most of you yesterday. I was going to post one of the photos on the web and now I can't figure out how the photos bypassed my computer and went right to the Web and the Kodak website. Arrrrrghhh!

Joe, at first I thought your cute doggie died! I thought "moving on" was a euphenism for dropping dead! I was happy to discover that he was alive and well with another family.

I am going to work today. Bill is going to be home for a couple of more days. Among other things, he is helping to move our new pastor into the parsonage. She and her husband arrive sometime this week.

Mother, Ross Boundy sent me an email saying he took a job with a new lawfirm in town. I'm so glad he finally got away from the old one. The members of the old one never appreciated him.

We had a great time in Philly and in Albany. The weather was fabulous, the company was entertaining, and the scenery was a pleasant contrast to the Northwest.

Noah and Haley picked us up at the airport. Jess was at work. The house and the plants and Buster the cat were all in good shape.




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