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Glleaners Day

Today we had many boxes of lettuce from the Gathering Together farm. All varieties that they grow. The people that came to get food were very appreciative. Also there were melons, kiwis, bananas, carrots, and lots of good stuff inside like cakes decorated for birthdays and the Fourth, cup cakes, cookies, lots of bread. At the end of the day everything left over will be hauled to shelters, given to shut-ins. My job is to sit outside and weigh the fresh food they have chosen, not to limit what they take, but to assure higher authority that it is being put to good use.

It is 83° today, with a nice balmy breeze from the East. The best time to visit the coast is when the wind is from the east, so all the clouds are pushed back, and the air is warm. Mmmmm, really nice.

I heard some people talking about sleeplessness. They said a glass of milk at bedtime! I don't know as I have never tried it.

Love, Bopcha


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