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Very busy weekend!

Sid and Sandra - did Meredith come to Philly? She asked for your email a week or so ago so that she could let you know she was coming.

Bill and I were so busy this weekend. Poor Haley got into a minor accident and her little Colt is probably totaled. She was on the Island when it happened (she had just dropped Noah off at work). Luckily, Bill and I were nearby and were able to go get her. Bill pounded out the fender and drove the little Colt to our house. Her parents came up the next day and took it away.

Although we had been considering it anyway, the accident prompted us to buy another car, so Noah could get to work and help Haley get to work, too. It is a 2004 Toyota Corolla. It has no guts at all, but is a good little commuter vehicle and is a pretty maroon color. Noah has been really good about not complaining or asking for a car for this last year (after the demise of his Honda Passport). Anyway, he can now get around and we can count on having our car when we need it, and Jessica can get to work, too. Hooray!

JB moves this weekend to another house on the Island. It is in MUCH better shape than the current one, and the owners BOTH went to Oregon State so they were thrilled to find out Jess is a Beaver, too!

Gotta get work done so I'll go. Sandra, my heart really goes out to you re: insomnia. Horrible horrible horrible thing to be sleep deprived.




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