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It is a Sauna

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. You would be amazed at the unbelievable heat. If you stand or even sit outside, you get this film of sweat on you. It really does feel like a sauna.

I know you are having heat out there on the West Coast, but I just can't imagine that it is anything like this. I am sure you are not having the humidity issues that we are having.

The air conditioning in my building (my office building) has broken down several times, can you imagine how much fun that is.

Our air conditioners are running non-stop at home, our electric bill will be enormous this month. Yikes!

I guess Jessica is excited to be moving to a new place. That is always exciting for a young person, isn't it? I guess you will be seeing her quite a bit since she will still be on Mercer Island. That is very nice. Sorry to hear about Haley's accident. But at least you and Bill were there to save the day. :-)

Diana, thanks for your sympathy about insomnia. It is really an awful thing to have, and gets in the way of daily activity. Nice to know people appreciate how awful it can be.

Well I guess I will get back to work now.

Have a great day everyone.




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