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Repack day at Tangent

By now you all know what an exciting(?) tour of duty it is for me to volunteer my expertise at opening plastic bags!! at the little town of Tangent. Tangent is noted for the resident of the town who left the balance of his estate to his cat. The cat inherited the house, and the conditions were that he was to be given the best of care until he went to cat heaven. I don't know the current status of the story, and it was some years ago, maybe four or five.

The exciting part of opening plastic bags is listening to the people talk at my table. You learn about their husbands. their worthless sons-in-law, their latest health problems. I can't contribute as I have exceptional sons-in-law, and I can't break into the conversation to tell them about my exercise adventures.

There is a potluck and then the drawing for prizes. I get home after about four hours of entertainment. Love, Bopcha


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