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Eeeeek! Friday the 13th!

Despite the fact that it is Friday the 13th, the day is going rather well. I finished a brief I have been working on FOREVER, and now I can dig out of all the random paper I've kept on my desk during the process.

This weekend we are helping Jessica move from one house to another house. In theory it shouldn't be too bad, but it probably will be. She has way too many clothes and so we will be wrestling with hangers etc.

We have only caught glimpses of Noah ever since he got wheels. The last time we spotted him he had women in tow and was headed, with keys in hand, toward his little scarlet Corolla. What a life!

Noah's team played two summer league games on Tuesday. It was fun watching Noah on the court. I felt better after seeing him play - it is clear that he can play at that level. He doesn't exactly dominate, but he plays excellent defense, and made a few baskets along the way. The trouble is that EVERYBODY is good and some are even better. Still, he looks comfortable and confident out there. Not to mention handsome. Plus, he took two charges in the first game, much to his coaches' delight!

I hope Mrs. Hardie gets completely well soon. She is an institution in the neighborhood, and I can't imagine anyone else being able to create the lovely garden she always has.

Have a great weekend!




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