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Getting Ready for the new week


We are just getting ready for the grind again this week, although it should not be so bad as I am trying to catch up on work. It is definitely more pleasant when I don't feel behind in my work load. Although, it doesn't happen very often that I am actually caught up because each time I complete something, three more things appear to replace it. Though I can't complain too much, it's still pretty good.

Diana you will have to post a picture or two of Tory's patio. That does sound really nice and it sounds like Tory is really settling in. I gather she lives right in Seattle? It is such a great city that there are probably lots of good areas to live in.

Bopcha, good work on the exercising. Hope you enjoyed it, and you are a trooper to keep exercising. It takes determination doesn't it? Sid told me about Murray's adventure to India. Will he be there for an extended period of time? I think the trip will provide perspective to his own life in the US that he has never had before, which I think is the case for anyone who goes into a completely different culture. Gaining perspective is never a negative experience.

Hopefully he will take on some of KC's tendency toward taking lots of beautiful pictures. :-)




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