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I couldn't believe it!

At one of the machines I tried on my own while waiting for my class, I was exhausted after one minute, the next time I tried two minutes and barely got through, and then I thought I would try for three minutes, and I couldn't make it. I tried to figure out why this was so difficult for me. Judi and I figured out it was a machine to build up endurance for CROSS COUNTRY SKIING. In other words, you kept your feet on the 'ground' and just moved them back and forth. I will keep trying for the three minutes and now that I know what the problem is maybe I will succeed. The movements are governed by ones own willingness to move at slow or fast speeds so there is no danger in hurting myself. It just surprised me that it took so much energy!

Thank you Sandra for your encouragement. I looked in the spinning class but I am not

about to try for that. The class for Seniors that I take part in is difficult enough. Hopefully, I am building up some positive assets that I can take with me into the future.

Love, Bopcha


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